CATEGORIES BENEFITS The First Two Years Membership Fees

Offers professional training seminars and lectures from experts in fields directly affecting internationalization.

Provides both private and public sectors a single point of contact for Universities across Asia and the Pacific.

Connects universities to the leading edge of innovation through partnerships with incubation centers.

Provides a platform to globalize student and staff camps, contests, competitions, exchanges, specialty training, and research.

USD $1,600

Exchange of professional experiences through conferences, seminars, publications, and commissions.

Promotes faculty and student exchange programs.

Helps streamline internationalization by providing professional assistance and international contacts with other members.

Establishes partnerships and networks among member universities.

        Highly effective cooperation on a regional scale.

        Co-sponsorship of seminars, workshops, symposia, and conferences.

        Promotes peace and international understanding through higher education.


        Engage with stakeholders of the higher education and other organizations to further the objectives of AUAP.

        USD $2,000

        Consultancy services.

        Preservation and enhancement of values and cultural diversity of Asia Pacific towards better understanding and cooperation socioeconomic development, and (universal) peace.

        (Associate Member & Regular Member)
                                               USD $15,000



        1.  Before filling in the membership application form, please access the link to check if your institution/university has been a member of   AUAP:

        2.  After the Secretariat has received your application form, we will send you an invoice to process the payment of the membership fee(s).

        3. New Members are required to complete payment within four weeks following the due date to prevent its reapplication.


        Late Payment Penalty for Membership:

        1.  Members are required to complete payment within four weeks following the due date to prevent incurring a penalty of USD $100

        2. Charges of USD $100 will be incurred every four weeks over a period of five months before membership withdrawal.

        3. The reapplication for membership incurs charges totaling USD $500, which is not including the annual membership fee.